School-Parent Compact
Home-School Agreement
The following Home-School Agreement is sent home for parent and student review and signatures at the beginning of the year.
As a school, staff at Purple Sage Elementary will --
- provide timely information about our Title 1 program to parents,describe the curricula, the student assessments and proficiency levels students are expected to meet, provide opportunities for regular meetings, respond promptly to parent suggestions.
- participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning and support the formation of partnerships with families and the community..
- endeavor to make school an accessible and welcoming place for students and their families.
- provide a positive environment in which all students are capable of success... no exceptions!
- model appropriate dress, language, and behavior.
As a student, I will --
- attend school regularly and be on time.
- complete and return homework assignments.
- work to the best of my ability.
- demonstrate a positive attitude toward opportunities and experiences provided by the school and teachers.
- help create a positive environment by practicing respect, accepting responsibility, working together, and following the rules for safety.
As a parent/guardian, I will --
- ensure my child's regular attendance and prompt arrival.
- check my child's backpack and folders for important information.
- establish a time for homework and review it regularly.
- follow and support school policies, including dress code and behavior guidelines.
- communicate regularly with my child and with the school.
- respect the school staff, students, and other families.
On-going opportunities for meaningful communications are provided through --
- phone calls
- conferences and meetings
- Website:
- Skyward
- Weekly Folders